Wednesday, October 7, 2009


It is officially "autumn," ladies and gentlemen! Fall is here, ushered in by October and the fact that school has been in session for almost 5 weeks. No, seriously, all the little LA kids are freaking out because it's cold after weeks of intense heat, and we don't know what to do. I saw people in scarves and hats yesterday. What is that about, really?

I do love fall, though. It's a "settling season", because we're all settling in for winter, and school, and no vacations except Christmas and Thanksgiving and President's Day and Halloween and and and... Of course, on the East Coast, all the trees are turning colors and it's actually getting cold, so pulling out scarves and hats and sweaters is legitimate. But out here, the temperature dropped down to 60F, and in some places, that's downright balmy.

Enough about the weather. Fall is an exciting time of year because it's the beginning of "the Holiday Season," which is one of my favorite parts of the year. People are already carving pumpkins and planning Halloween costumes, making travel arrangements for Thanksgiving and some (like my mother) are already buying Christmas presents. Like, whoa. The crisp, cool air, mostly clear skies, and Santa Ana winds always make me feel like something's officially beginning. Maybe it's the school year, maybe it's the holidays, or maybe it's just a more "settled" time of year. I know that in SoCal, it's one of the best times to be outdoors, and for me, it's a time to settle into school and try not to get the seasonal cold that usually comes with it.

Love all, trust few, do wrong to no one. - William Shakespeare


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