Monday, March 9, 2015

52 Lists, Week 10

Happy Monday! Welcome to my 52 Lists Project, wherein I feature one list every week for 2015. To join in with your own list, scroll down to the link at the bottom, print out your own list, and then share it however you wish!

Week 10: List the Ways You Can Cleanse for Spring
Spring is in the air!!! It's actually quite chilly here, to be honest, but it's the chill of early early spring before it gets warm and the entire world bursts into bloom. It's nearing my favorite time of year and I'm definitely ready to throw open the windows and shake out my whole house. Here are some of the ways I plan to do some spring cleaning:

  • deep clean in nooks and crannies (no cobwebs allowed!)
  • wipe all of the blinds with vinegar and water
  • clean out my bedroom and closet and only keep things I use/wear
  • get all the windows professionally cleaned (we really need this because there was a storm back in early February that left some weird gunk on the outside of the upstairs windows and I can't clean those on my own)
  • get help to clean out the rain gutters
  • vacuum the back of the piano (it's dusty and cobwebby back there)
  • finish reorganizing the bookcases and make room for the new roommates books (two English majors under one roof - yikes!)
  • clean out the freezer and the pantry
  • start having green smoothies for breakfast again
  • start going for walks in the evening with my neighbor, Sarah
  • get up early and soak in some sunshine - get that vitamin D!

So that's my list! It doesn't look like a lot on paper but the cleaning out my bedroom is going to be a big, ugly project. It's scary in there.

What about you? What are the ways you clean for spring? Are you all about cleaning out and simplify or are you more into disinfecting everything in sight? Let me know in comments or with a list of your own!



For more fun with 52 Lists, click down on "52 Lists" in the little categories section at the bottom of the post, and go over to Moorea Seal's site to see more!

Check out Moorea Seal's entire project at her blog below:  

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