Monday, May 25, 2015

52 Lists, Week 21

Happy Monday! Welcome to my 52 Lists Project, wherein I feature one list every week for 2015. To join in with your own list, scroll down to the link at the bottom, print out your own list, and then share it however you wish!

Week 21: List the Things You Want to Do By Your Next Birthday
My birthday is in 2 days (on Wednesday! 25!) and this is the first list I had to DIY. Moorea Seal's pre-made lists end at week 20 (wtf right?) so from here on out you'll be reading lists curated by moi. Hope you don't mind. Here's my list.
  • be halfway to my total savings goal for Santiago
  • be making more money at my job
  • be in a romantic relationship (God willing)
  • be involved at my new parish
  • have an organized (or at least more so) bedroom
  • get the blog running really efficiently
  • have more Catholic friends
  • be a Certified Catechist
  • knit more complicated garments with a better understanding of gauge and sizing
It's not a lot (I'm not very good at setting realistic, concrete goals it seems), but those are the bones of where I'd like to be this time next year. I need to be doing more, having more experiences, and living my life a little more vibrantly - that's my hope for the next year of my life.

Sorry for the truly appalling photo - the lighting in my house sucks

So there you have it! What about you? Got any big plans for your next birthday or any things you'd like to change in your life over the next year? Let me know in comments or with a list of your own!



P.S. I'm now officially on Instagram! Follow me HERE.

For more fun with 52 Lists, click down on "52 Lists" in the little categories section at the bottom of the post, and go over to Moorea Seal's site to see more!

Check out Moorea Seal's entire project at her blog below:  

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